Web Design

Web design and development is in constant flux as we change the way we use the web, the devices we use to access it and the expectations we have of form and functionality. One area of focus remains constant and that is the need to address the true purpose of your website. What is it? Whos is it for? What does your audience need to get from the experiece? Whether you are providing an online storefront, a rich and engaging information exchange or promoting bricks and mortar services, a focussed and well thought out web presence can make the difference between obtaining and engaging your audience, or letting them slip to the next search result.

I take a very purpose led path to web development. Your site should be attractive and it should be easy to use, but most importantly it should serve a purpose. Please feel free to contact me to discuss the development of your website or service. Chances are that the experience I have gained over the years will prove invaluable in focussing the development effort so that the end result is a powerful addition to your marketing plan.